SG Questions - September 15
September 12, 2024 9:47 PM
ASKING FOR A FRIEND, Pt 2 - 09/15/24
Lean In:
Lean In:
- What is your primary source for current events around the world (News, TV, etc.)?
- What news, information & commentary have you heard about the War in Gaza?
- What stands out in these verses or from the weekend message
- What stands out about the promises God made to Abraham
- How do these promises impact Israel & Christians today?
- We need to CARE
- How do you navigate your own thoughts and feelings with all of the wars and conflicts going on in the world?
- We need to CARE
- READ GENESIS 12:1-3 - What stands out?
- Why does knowing and caring about what happens in and to Israel matter?
- What are specific ways you can intentionally care about and pray for the world?
- We need to COUNTER
- What do you know about algorithms and how they are used in social media, shopping, google, online news, etc?
- (If no one in your group knows, take some time to google the question: “how do algorithms work online or on social media)
- Have you ever been stirred by something you saw on social media that you later learned was not true or had another side?
- How can relying on “news” only from YouTube, instagram, facebook, google be dangerous?
- What do you know about algorithms and how they are used in social media, shopping, google, online news, etc?
- READ 2 TIMOTHY 4:2-5- What stands out?
- What are some specific things you can do to seek clarity and wisdom as you filter all of the information we are bombarded with in the world today?
- Take time as a group to pray for our WORLD, pray for the countries involved in wars and conflicts throughout the world. Pray for peace