SG Questions – September 22

Toni Knight   -  

ASKING FOR A FRIEND, Pt 3 – 09/22/24

Lean In:

  • Share about a time when you traveled outside the country, state or town. 
    • Compare & contrast the way people there lived vs. the way you live?
    • How did those similarities and differences make you feel?

Look Out: 

  • Why do you believe there is so much debate on how the United States should handle immigration and its borders?

Look Down: READ Exodus 1:1-2:10

  • What stands out in these verses or from the weekend message?
  • What encourages, challenges, inspires, and/or convicts you?

Look In: 2 Common Questions When it comes to a Christian Perspective on Immigration:

Bottom Line: Christians should focus not on the HOW, but on the WHO (It is not my job to figure out HOW somebody got here, but it is my job to love those who are here) 

  1. Is it ever OK to break the law if you are helping a person in need?
    • READ Romans 13:1-7: What stands out?
    • Do you think it is ok to break the law for a greater purpose? why/why not?
      • What are examples of a greater purpose?
  2. How Should a Christian Treat Immigrants?


  • READ LEVITICUS 19:34 and LEVITICUS 23:22


      • What stands out about how the Old Testament instructs people to treat “foreigners”?




      • What stands out to you specifically about the lifestyle of Jesus?


  • READ HEBREWS 13:-12: What stands out?


  • Share about a time you were shown generous hospitality. 
    • How did it make you feel?
  • What are practical ways you can show hospitality (brotherly love) to people?

Looking Beyond


  • Take time as a group to pray for our WORLD. Pray for peace and a spiritual awakening in the countries dealing with ethnic conflict and for those without peace, without homes, without freedoms. 
  • Pray also for God’s church to rise up in boldness and proclaim the hope of Jesus regardless of the cost and to love immigrants and outsiders who are searching for hope and a safe place to live.