SG Questions – September 8

Toni Knight   -  

ASKING FOR A FRIEND, Pt 1 – 09/08/24

Lean In:

  • On a scale of 1-5, how important is politics to you? Share examples…
  • How does culture try to calm our deepest fears about life, relationships and the future? 

Look Out: 

  • What negative thoughts, phrases or ideas come to mind when you hear the word: “politics” or “political”?

Look In: Definition of ‘Politics’: The ways that governments make rules to manage society

How to Navigate this Political Election Season as a Christian: 

  1. CONSIDER each candidate’s position
    • READ Proverbs 14:12 – What stands out to you? 
    • What is dangerous about voting for a candidate or issue without understanding the policies?
    • What is the difference between the personality of a candidate and the policies of that candidate? 
    • What are ways you can educate yourself for the upcoming election season?
  2. COMPARE each position to the Bible
  • READ 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 – What stands out?
  • What is dangerous about voting for a candidate without knowing or understanding what THE BIBLE has to say about their positions?
  • What are ways you can educate yourself on what the Bible says about the distinct political positions for the upcoming election season? 
  1. CAST your vote for who aligns the closest 
  • What is dangerous about believing that there is ONE candidate who is 100% correct in all of their positions or platforms? 
  • How does it make you feel to know that there are flaws on BOTH sides of the political aisle?
  • READ EXODUS 18:20-23 – What stands out to you in these verses?
  • What are specific ways you can make a prayerful and informed decision for your vote during this election cycle and beyond?

Looking Beyond


  • Take time as a group to pray for our country and our leaders, and keep praying throughout this series and political season:
    • Pray for peace, pray for hope to come to this world 
    • Pray for the people who vote differently than you do
    • Pray for wisdom and grace as you navigate this season